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​In today’s fast-paced, information-overloaded world, your greatest commodity is your time.  You have more than enough information and choices available at your fingertips.  What you need is an experienced team with the training, knowledge and know-how to guide you through the many choices that need to be made.  You'll have time for each other and your friends, while avoiding unnecessary stress and expensive mistakes. â€‹

Since 2003, Journee Parfaite has provided outstanding, personalized service and most importantly, amazing weddings! This is our full-time career, not a hobby.​

We offer six Packages to help you with your wedding day

Platinum Package:

Complete Planning & Coordination (PEACE OF MIND)

 This package entails planning and Coordination of the Rehearsal, Ceremony, Reception, Bridal Shower, Bachelorette Party, Honeymoon Suite Decoration, vendor negotiations & coordination and monthly face to face consultations. 

This package is $4200.00 Canadian including taxes.
Platinum Package:​​
​​Full Service Planning & Coordination (BEST VALUE)


​This package is a full service planning and coordination from the time you get engaged up to the day of your wedding day. It includes Planning and Coordination of the Rehearsal, Ceremony, Reception, vendor negotiations & coordination and monthly face to face consultations.

This package is $3000
.00 Canadian including taxes.

Gold Package ​​
​Rehearsal and Wedding Day Coordination (MOST POPULAR)

​​This package is a wedding rehearsal and day of wedding coordination. It includes Rehearsal, Ceremony, Reception, Planning Consultation, Vendor Finalization Consultation, Coordination Consultation and Finalization Consultation.

This package is $2000.00 Canadian including taxes.

Silver Package
Wedding Day Coordination (BEST BUDGET)

This package is a wedding day coordination. It includes Ceremony, Reception, Planning Consultation, Vendor Finalization Consultation, Coordination Consultation and Finalization Consultation.

This package is $1500.00 Canadian including taxes.

Bronze Package
​Wedding Reception Coordination (ECONOMICAL)

​​This package is a reception coordination. It includes Reception and a Planning Consultation, Coordination Consultation and Finalization Consultation.

This Package is $1000.00 Canadian including taxes.

Ziroconium Package

​Wedding Ceremony or Destination Ceremony Coordination (STRESS FREE) ​
This package is a ceremony coordination. It includes Rehearsal, Ceremony, Planning Consultation and Finalization Consultation.

This package is $500.00 Canadian including taxes.


*each package has UNLIMITED phone, email, text, instant messenger and Skype consultations.



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